bdstory2.txt The Shopping Trip Janette had been a little worried lately. Alan had been busy at work for the past few months and had not been paying her as much attention as she would have liked. She was beginning to feel a little insecure of her own femininity and was wondering if Alan might have a little something on the side. She herself had been busy at the lab recently and didn't have much time to take corrective measures, but now the opportunity presented itself. She had just completed an important research paper and finally had some time to herself. She felt that an afternoon shopping spree might lift her spirits. She had nothing special in mind, so she just wandered from shop to shop, seeing what was new this season. Nothing really caught her eye until she went into a shop offering bridal and formal fashions. She saw a little black strapless cocktail dress that had one of the short "pouf" skirts that had been in fashion recently. Something about the dress seemed very sexy. She knew that Alan found certain types of clothing to be very bondage oriented; the type of style that would make a woman very aware of her femininity. Short skirts imposed an obvious bondage: the wearer must be constantly alert when sitting to avoid a lewd display. High heels certainly restricted a ladies mobility and forced a very attractive and suggestive posture and gait. Sheer white blouses showed varying hints of feminine underwear, which in itself was a definite bondage device: straps and hooks and elastic designed to restrict and shape the wearer's figure. The strapless dress seemed to combine many elements: the short skirt would reveal Jannette's shapely legs and make her careful of how she moved; the heavily boned satin bodice would restrain and mold her breasts to display them perfectly and the bare shoulders of the strapless gown would give her a feeling of vulnerability. A detail she didn't notice at first was a large satin bow at the small of the back. It was a very feminine touch and hinted strongly of being "tied up". As she tried it on, her slave alter-ego, Leia, began to surface. The shop clerk interrupted her daydreaming. "It's a gorgeous dress, isn't it? The perfect thing for a party or formal occasion". "Oh, yes, it is lovely. How much is it?" "Well, it's really last season's design and we need to make space for the newer dresses. It's on sale for $37.99. That's 60% off the regular price." Leia began to have an interesting series of thoughts. "Do you have it one size smaller? I'm on a diet and this would be a great incentive to lost 10 more pounds." This wasn't exactly true, but Leia thought of something that might light the Master's fire. "Why, yes we do. Let me get it for you." As Leia waited for the clerk to return, she wandered around the store. As she walked past the accessory section, a pair of shoulder length black satin gloves caught her eye. She flashed back to a picture Alan had shown her in one of the Harmony magazines. It was a picture from the 1940's showing Lois Meriden in a strapless gown wearing a pair of black gloves and bound to a large wooden frame. Alan had said it was one of his favorite pictures. A plan began to fall into place. "I'd like a pair of these black gloves, also. Could I try them on?" "Certainly. They are very elegant, aren't they?" As Janette pulled the gloves on, the cool satin material gave her goose bumps. They were snug and gave her a delicious confined feeling. "Yes, ummm, I'll take a pair of these also." After paying for the purchases, Leia headed for the "Wild Pair" shoe store where Alan would always window shop. He had jokingly pointed out a pair of black satin pumps with outrageous heels. They would be perfect. She went into the store and pretented to browse. The shoes now had a strong erotic attraction for her and she became embarrassed. The clerk startled her when he asked if he could help. "D-d-d-do you have these in a s-s-size 8 1/2?" She felt humiliated that she was stuttering. She felt cheap and trampish asking for such a blatantly sexy item. She thought she heard the clerk whispering to someone in the back room and heard some faint male laughing. "This is you're lucky day, ma'am. The last pair of that style and just in your size". She thought she could detect a lecherous tone to his voice. "Here, let me help you with them." Leia wished she had worn pants for her shopping. When the clerk lifted her foot onto the little stool to assist with the fitting, she felt sure he could see up her skirt. The shoes had the highest heels she had ever worn. She guessed they must be five inches, at least. They were obviously not designed for comfort as the toes seemed extremely pointed. As the clerk slipped the right shoe on, she could feel her foot being forced into an unfamiliar arch. But, they did fit her. "Ummm, I think they will be f-f-fine." "You really should try both shoes on, just in case they are cut differently." She felt commanded to obey. As the clerk put the left shoe on, Leia had a feeling of helplessness. Walking would be difficult and possibly painful. "Yes, they both fit. I'll take them." "Get up and walk around. Make sure they feel OK". There was a commanding tone to his voice that she didn't expect from a shoe clerk. The second clerk came out of the back room. Leia felt she was on display as she tentatively got up on the shoes. Most of her weight was carried on the ball of her foot and she felt very unsteady. Her toes were pressed together and she could feel her calf muscles bunching up. "Yes, they feel good." "Walk to the mirror and let's see how you look". "Please, just let me pay for them." "Do it, NOW!" Leia took small tentative steps toward the mirror. She had some trouble balancing herself on the impossibly tall heels, but carried out his command. She noted the change in her posture - the shoes imposed a will of their own on her. She had to admit that they did enhance the lovely swell of her calf muscles. She carefully turned and saw the two clerks leering at her. She blushed. Even though she was humiliated and very uncomfortable, or perhaps because of it, she was experiencing a pronounced sexual rush. She prayed the clerks would free her from their control. "OK, Honey, we've seen enough. That will be $50." Leia was surprised, since the shoes were marked $29.95. But she was glad that they were going to free her and she paid the extra money. After she left the store, she went straight to her car and sat there for a half hour recovering her composure. Janette then drove home and began her preparations. The Preparations Before she began, Janette had to make sure that Alan would be home on time. Lately he would sometimes work past his normal quitting time and come home at odd hours. This made it difficult for Janette to plan dinners and they would often just catch some fast food after Alan got home. When she got through to him at the office, he sounded a little gruff. She convinced him that she was planning a nice dinner tonight and got a promise that he would be home on time. Having done this, Janette began setting up her surprise. A few months ago, Alan had built a bondage frame for use in their dressing room. It had a vertical support made out of 2x4's in the shape of an A. A horizontal brace ran perpendicular from the top of the A to the top of some cabinets where it could be fastened with a lock hasp. The top piece was 8' from the floor and had three eye hooks positioned at the ends and in the middle. Alan had drilled 1/4" holes along the sides of the A frame so that eye bolts could be inserted to facilitate convenient attachment points. Another 2x4 could be connected between the center eye hook of the top brace and a piece of particle board on the floor to make a sturdy bondage post. The Master had used it once, much to Leia's enjoyment, but hadn't employed it since. Janette located all the pieces and assembled the device. She was surprised how difficult it was for her, and it took about an hour to get everything right. She had never put herself in strict bondage before and the thrill of it was making her nervous and clumsy. She had decided how she would confine herself and connected a 6' chain to each of the outer eyehooks. To calm herself down, she ran a hot bath. She could view the bondage frame from the tub and had a hard time relaxing. Finally, she got out and dryed herself off. She could wait no longer. To start her dressing, she choose a lacey white g-string panty. It had a very feminine lace panel to cover her pubic region and a simple white ribbon thong for the back and around her waist. A special touch was two pink bows at the sides. She had chosen it to contrast with the rest of her outfit. She next pulled on some black silk hose that Alan had bought her for Christmas. They had an interesting top border that had fine silk laces that could be adjusted to hold them up without a garter belt. The laces were an obvious bondage symbol. The next item was Leia's special black corset. Leia and her Master had spent a day at the public library some years ago and had found a book titled "Underwear Through the Ages". It contained plans for a 18th century corset that was very strict. They bought some heavy black satin and some boning and had constructed the garment. It could reduce Leia's waist by six inches and give her an appealing posture. Usually her Master helped her put it on, but today Leia would have to struggle by herself. It had hooks and eyes in the front and three sets of laces in the back. It was difficult to tighten the laces herself, but she managed. The result was as she had planned. The corset top was about 1/3 the way over her breasts and supported them very well. Her figure took on a hour-glass shape which accentuated her flaring hips. It ended a few inches above the swell of her pubic mound. As she had figured, the white lace of her panty contrasted dramatically with her black stockings and corset. The exertion of tightening the corset had got her breathing hard and she felt the implacable grasp of the garment resisting her attempts to get a deep breath. She looked and felt very feminine. Lei's new black dress was next. As she had calculated, the corset allowed her to fit into a smaller size. Since the whole dress was a little smaller in all dimensions, it revealed more of her legs and exposed the swell of her breasts. The skirt was tight across her hips and restricted her walking a little. She could see in the mirror that she looked incredibly sexy and vulnerable. She felt as if she was more exposed than if she had been naked. Her new shoes were waiting for her. She had some trouble putting them on since the corset prevented her from bending over very much. She managed to sit perched on the edge of a chair and forced her feet into the close confines of the pumps. She knew she would have to practice walking a bit before she could complete her work. Her first steps were as clumsy as in the shoe store and her memory of the experience came flooding back. Determined to learn to use her new shoes, she walked back and forth across the bedroom and found that if she was careful to make sure she put both the toe and heel of the shoe down at the same time, she was more steady. This technique also imparted a very pronounced, sexy swing to her hips. Her feet were adapting to the unusual height of the shoes and she soon felt more confident. They were uncomfortable, but this just seemed to enhance her growing sexual glow. Last she donned her new gloves. They felt just as good as they did in the store. She found that the slippery satin bulk on her fingers made it difficult to pick up items and gave her a heightened sense of helplessness. She knew the final steps in her preparation would be made that much more difficult. She also felt that her Master would be very pleased with her plan. Even as much as she felt in bondage just with her clothes, she knew that some real bondage was needed. She went to the special drawer and got her studded leather wrist cuffs, a matching black leather collar, a small padlock and two double snap hooks. She locked the collar on her slim neck and studied the effect in the mirror. It was a snug fit and sharpened the line of her shoulders and chin. Standing against a dark background, the overall effect was striking. The dress was almost invisible, with just the top of her breasts and the definition of her collarbone seemingly floating in space. The collar visibly separated her head from her chest. She felt she looked truly exotic. She added the black leather cuffs over her satin gloves and fastened them with the snap hooks. The effect of the studs and hooks was like a jeweled bracelet around her wrists. She hoped that her Master would take some Polaroids to preserve her beauty. Flushed with her rising excitement, she began her final step into true helplessness. She got a short step stool from the kitchen and placed it beneath the bondage frame. Carefully, she stepped up on the stool. The snap hooks were long enough that she could connect the free end to the links of the chains. The chains themselves were hanging about three feet apart from the horizontal brace of the frame. She picked a link on each chain that would force her to stand tautly when she stepped off the stool. Carefully she stepped down and found she had misjudged slightly because her arms were not stretched as tightly as she wanted. She could see herself in the full length dressing mirror and she was surprised. Even though she could have freed herself by standing on her tiptoes, she looked gorgeous, maybe even better than Lois Meriden did 40 years ago. Leia, determined to give her Master a striking pose, got back up on the stool and moved the snap hooks up a couple of links. Heart pounding, she again stepped off the stool and this time found that she could only reach the floor by stretching. The strain felt delicious. Even by standing on tiptoes she couldn't get enough slack to unhook the fasteners. Satisfied with her work, she decided to make it permanent by kicking the stool away. She was now a prisoner of her own desires until her Master got home. That thought brought her up short. She didn't know what time it was! In her excitement, she had not checked the time and there was no clock in the room. She had a sudden moment of panic and tried frantically to undo the snap hooks but she had been too clever; she could not free herself. In her struggles, she lost her footing and momentarily hung by her wrists. Regaining her balance, she took stock of her situation. If she relaxed her arm muscles, she could get just enough slack to stand fully on the floor, but her static weight soon caused her toes to go numb in her tight pumps. She could ease the discomfort in her feet by hanging slightly by her wrists, but that soon caused her shoulders to ache. She thought about kicking her shoes off to free her pinched toes, but decided that the towering heels helped take some strain off her wrists. Leia soon resigned herself to accept her position and wait for her Master. It would be a long afternoon. She drifted between watching herself in the mirror and worrying about what would happen if the house caught fire or a burglar broke in. Leia was amazed at the vision of vulnerability that she had become. Surely when her Master got home, he would take instant pity on her and release her. The thought buoyed her spirits and helped her accept her reality. She hung in her bondage with her head against her arm. Release Luckily for Janette, Alan came home earlier than usual. It had been only 45 minutes since Leia had confined herself. Alan was puzzled that he couldn't smell anything cooking. He called for Janette. "Master, please release me." The faint call aroused Alan. The Master went into the bedroom to determine what was happening. As he went into the dressing room, a beautiful sight greeted him. Leia was hanging in the bondage frame he had built. She was swaying slightly in the chains that held her. Tears were on her cheeks. The Master walked around the captive and appreciated her handy work. "Master, please let me down." "The slave has not been given permission to speak." Leia looked more beautiful than she had ever looked before. The strain of her position was obvious. Her breasts were almost out of the the dress, having been pulled up by having her arms raised so high. He gently ran his hands up and down her satin-clad arms, causing her to shiver visibly. As she shifted her position to take some weight of her feet, he noticed the erotic shoes she had bought. He was very impressed. Out of curiosity, he slowly ran his hand up her right leg, past the top of her stocking, up to her lacey panty. After surveying that area, he moved his hand higher to the smooth fabric of her corset. He thought about the discomfort she had been enduring. His touch had started Leia whimpering. The Master decided to reward his slave for her thoughtfulness. It was common for him to devise little punishments for Leia to heighten her sexual responses, but it looked like she had already done a good job of that. When he had explored her pussy, he had discovered a sufficient amount of lubricant to indicate she was already highly aroused. The Master decided to devote the evening to giving Leia as much pleasure as possible. "How did this happen to my slave?" "Oh, Master, I was very horny and you have ignored me lately. I wanted to get you interested in me, so I devised a punishment for myself. I hope my Master approves. Before you let me down, would you take some pictures?" "You have done very well. Wait here while I get the camera." The Master's command was unfailingly carried out. Of course it took more time than it should to get the camera. The flash attachment batteries had to be carefully checked. The existence of film had to be verified. Light levels had to be monitored. All the while, Leia's discomfort grew, but besides increasing the frequency of her moans, she said nothing. Soon, the camera was ready. The Master had Leia slump in her chains, posed her with her head hanging down as if she had passed out and had her look up imploringly at the chains. Leia enjoyed posing in bondage. As a final pose, the Master thought Leia needed to be more turned on, to be in a more sexual mood than she currently was. He went to the drawer and retrieved a large dildo, her ankle cuffs and two more snap hooks. Leia looked dreamily at the new implements, but did nothing but sway in her bondage. The Master placed a cuff on her left ankle. "Please, Master, Leia is very tired. Please let me down." "Soon, But we have a few more pictures to take." The Master lifted Leia's left foot and pulled it up until her calf was parallel to the floor, then connected her ankle to the end of the left chain. This put Leia out of balance and she swayed and pivoted on her right foot. It took a few moments for her to regain her balance. All her weight was now concentrated on her one foot. Any movement of her left leg would upset her balance, with the result she was very unstable. Carefully, the Master lifted her skirt and pulled her panty down until her pussy was uncovered. He then slowly inserted the dildo. The giant member sliding into her was too much for Leia to bear gracefully. Her left leg flexed uncontrollably and she twisted and turned in the bondage frame. The Master was sure she had reached an orgasm, or had come very close. When the dildo was fully inserted, he pulled her panty back up to hold it in place and lowered her skirt. Leia now had the look the Master had desired. She was breathing heavily and had her eyes closed. She was still swaying a little bit and he could see she was moving her left leg to give the dildo some motion. She seemed lost in a world of her own. He took a few more pictures. Having satisfied the needs of his photography hobby for the time being, the Master moved to the next phase of his plan. He first unhooked Leia's ankle from it's confinement and allowed her to regain her balance once again. Then he went behind her and unfastened her dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. The sudden exposure caused Leia to involuntarily try to hide herself, to no avail. Next he began to unlace the restrictive corset. He could hear Leia taking deep breaths as the garment released its hold on her rib cage. He went to the front and unhooked the snaps, allowing it to fall free. He was surprised at how hard her nipples seemed. To verify this, he slowly nibbled each one in turn, causing Leia to squeal in ecstasy. After satisfying his curiosity, he reached up and released Leia's wrists from their captivity. She was unable to support herself after standing for so long and he carefully lowered her to her knees. Leia gratefully wrapped her arms around the Master's waist and hugged him for a long time. She was much aware of the throbbing erection straining against his pants. "Would my Master like to put on something more comfortable?" "Yes, but first it looks like you need to be supported. You seem weak from your ordeal." Leia didn't seem to know what this meant and the Master gave her no time ask. He took her recently freed wrists and once again imposed bondage on them. He connected them back to the chains while allowing her to remain on her knees. This time she was not stretched as tightly and was almost comfortable. He, of course, didn't allow her to be comfortable for long. He took her left ankle, still with its cuff, and pulled it up towards her thigh and connected it to the end of the chain. He took the other cuff and secured her right ankle likewise so she was supported solely on her knees. Since the dressing room had thick carpet, she would not be in any pain. She was however, again very unstable and was not able to balance herself. With some slack in her arms, she constantly rocked back and forth, alternately leaning forward and back, arching one way or the other. While she busied herself trying to gain control, the Master went to his closet, undressed and put on his silk robe. When he returned, Leia was not better off than before and she seemed to be getting very aroused. Her uncontrolled motions seemed to be causing the dildo to move within her in such a way that she found pleasing. Beads of perspiration were visible on her forehead. "Master, please help steady me." Taking a hint, the Master pulled open his robe and offered his engorged staff as a means of support. Leia was quick to grasp the meaning of this, both figuratively and literally. She leaned forward and took the Master's cock into her mouth. He kindly helped her by holding her head in his hands as she eagerly performed her favorite ritual. Much to his surprise, the Master found it impossible to control his sexual feelings and came after only a few moments of Leia's expert service. Himself weakened, he sank to his knees and unfastened Leia's bindings. They both lay on the floor in a passionate embrace. After an appropriate interval Leia said, "Master, I have a very strong need that has not yet been satisfied." The Master, recognizing his duty, picked Leia up and carried her into the bedroom. He gently placed her on the bed and caressed her. Soon, she was again moaning in her sexual heat. He then gently removed her white lace panty by sliding it off her hips and down her legs. The dildo was still firmly embedded in her pussy. The Master went to the drawer and removed the four stout leather straps that were to be employed next. Each was actually two straps with a roller buckle connecting them in the middle. Each pair of straps had a snap hook on one end and a d-ring on the other. The Master connected each strap by its snap hook to an eye hook on each corner of the bed. Leia still had her wrist and ankle cuffs on and the Master connected the d-rings of the straps to the snap hooks on her cuffs. Leia was spread-eagled on the bed. The Master then used the roller buckles on the straps to stretch Leia's limbs towards the corners of the bed until she was totally helpless. She was a picture of perfect symmetry, her black stocking clad legs matching her black shoulder length gloves. She had a look of sexual ecstasy on her face. As the Master withdrew the dildo, he thought she might have climaxed again. Her breathing was shallow and fast and her writhing seemed random and uncontrolled. The final phase was to begin. He climbed over the foot of the bed and slowly lowered his face between her spread legs. As she felt his breath on her clit, she began to moan loudly. He suspected that this was not going to take long and, out of mercy, decided not to prolong her ordeal. He carefully inserted two fingers into her wet pussy and gently pressed up against the inside of her vagina. This caused Leia to arch in pleasure against the Master's tongue, which went to work lashing her eager clit. Leia's cries became louder and louder, her writhings became wilder and wilder. The Master guessed that she was having a constant orgasm. After a few minutes, a spasmodic shudder coursed through her body and she sank back into the bed, totally spent. Her plan had worked. As her Master released her bonds, she drifted off into a soft, deep sleep, a very happy slave.